The Team

Tom Madden

Thomas A. Madden serves the Church of God as Secretary General. He is a fourth-generation minister who grew up in a pastor’s home in South Carolina. After graduation from Lee College (University), Bishop Madden earned a degree from the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

While serving as Youth Pastor of North Cleveland Church of God, Bishop Madden birthed what is now known as Winterfest. His love for youth would become the focal point and passion of his ministry. This would eventually lead his ministry into appointments as state Youth and Discipleship directors. The Maddens have served the Church of God in the Great Lakes region, Indiana, and back to the International Offices, where he served as Youth Ministries Coordinator. In 2004, he was elected to the position of Assistant International Director of Youth and Discipleship and then International Director, where he served from 2008-2012. 

In 2012, the Maddens were appointed Administrative Bishop of the Delmarva-DC region where they ministered for four years. In 2016, they moved to serve as the Administrative Bishop of North Georgia until his election as Secretary General in 2024. Bishop Madden was also honored by his peers when elected to the Council of Eighteen, where he served from 2016 to 2022. 

Bishop Madden's vision for C2 originated from a profound desire to provide young men and women with practical, hands-on training in ministry. The imperative for sons and daughters to advance the Kingdom in various domains—including churches, the marketplace, and the mission field—is a necessity that warrants our utmost attention. The harvest is abundant, yet the laborers are few. Bishop Madden's commitment to empowering the next generation is both the catalyst and the foundation for C2.

Bishop Madden is married to his childhood sweetheart Charla, who is a graduate of Lee University with an M.A in elementary education from Tusculum College. She has been an integral part of their ministry team. They have two children and five grandchildren.

Founder / Cog Secretary General

Rob Fultz

Prior to joining C2NextGen in 2023 Rob and his wife Dana served in full-time ministry for over 20 years. They have served as pastoral leaders in Virginia and California, as Campus Pastor of Lee University, and are active missionaries through the Church of God World Missions Dept. Together they have strived to reach the next generation in every aspect of their leadership and ministry.

Rob brings a combination of educational achievement and practical application to C2. His passion to raise up the next generation of leaders is reflected in his doctoral research on Redemptive Leadership Development, and his ‘boots on the ground’ mindset to help leaders take the next right step. Having served as senior leaders of churches that range from 100 – 25000 in weekly attendance, they have a clear perspective on needs and challenges of leaders at every level of ministry. As a result of his experience, Rob is uniquely gifted to help leaders grow from where they are.

In 2019 Rob launched the The Exiles MVMT. This is a movement of revival-seeking, intercessory prayer and worship-focused young adults who are desperate for a move of the Holy Spirit in their generation. On campus, The Exiles saw over 120 students baptized in 2 events with hundreds in attendance. Many students from those gatherings were called into full-time missions, evangelism, and pastoral ministry. The Exiles along with other prayer movements on campus, saw the culmination of their prayers with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in February 2023 on Lee’s campus, the same week as the Asbury outpouring.

Passionate about leaders, pastors, and those who build the Kingdom. Extensive cross-cultural experience. Multi-disciplinary training in Leadership, Christian Ministry, and Generational Studies. Practical expertise in integration of faith and learning, church ministry, church planting, leadership development, and educational environments. Distinctive experience in large-scale organizations, multi-site church models, church health strategies, and creative team development. Impassioned communicator within diverse contexts, and a heart for the transformative empowerment of future leaders.

Life Mission Statement: To “pastor pastors, lead leaders, and build up those who build the Kingdom.” with all my strengths, gifts, experiences, and resources.

Motto: You cannot be satisfied with today’s victories any more than you can be defined by yesterday’s defeats.

A few months after his mom was saved at Winterfest in 1994, Rob surrendered his life to Christ. His story of struggle, addiction, and hope after being discharged from the Marine Corps have fed his passion for reaching the next generation. Rob and Dana have been married for 28 years and have two amazing sons, Caleb and Ethan, and daughter-in-law Anna.

Executive Director

Coleman Bailey

Global Ambassador