Our values enable us to be the bridge for the next generation between preparation and placement in ministry.

BRIDGE Value Statements

B - Biblical Foundation: Unwavering commitment to the authority of the Bible.

R - Relationally Driven: Kingdom relationships are the heart of all we do.

I - Intentional Development: Spiritual and practical development go hand in hand.

D - Disciplined Discipleship: Discipleship is the process and the plan for a healthy ministry.

G - Growth Mindset: Leaders are learners capable of change and the challenges of ministry.

E - Empowering Others: The whole body of Christ operating in unity through Spirit-empowered service.

The Team

Tom Madden


Rob Fultz

Executive Director

Coleman Bailey

Global Ambassador

Mission Committed

Our mission is clear…

“To prepare the next generation by providing real ministry experience in real ministry environments.”

(Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8)